5 Reasons You Are NOT Seeing Results With Your Candida Cleanse
It took me three tries but I FINALLY succeeded!
I did the candida cleanse three different times! The first time I did it, I researched online for a day and felt confident that all I had to do was eliminate sugar for 1 month… (WRONGO). Dr. Google did me wrong. The second time I did it, I decided to reach out for professional help. I cycled through three different naturopaths and learned a lot about gut health! I am grateful for the time I had with them, but I wasn’t truly seeing results. They also believed that all my healing could be done with supplements alone and nothing else. I would spend thousands of dollars on supplements, follow their exact protocol and was left feeling broke and hopeless. The third time I did it, I did it RIGHT! I found someone who approached healing in multiple dimensions. The protocol involved energy healing, shift in mindset, a strict diet and affordable supplements. Although I had really crazy die-off symptoms, I saw STRONG results. The most important part of my success was having REAL support. Someone to hold my hand along the way, answer any questions I had and keep me motivated to reach my goals.
Why my first two candida cleanses failed…
Reason #1: You are not cleansing long enough
The first cleanse I did was for 1 month (as I mentioned, huge fail). The third and successful cleanse I did was for 3 months (with absolutely no cheating or breaking protocol). The amount of time you need to cleanse depends on the amount of damage your gut has. Let’s use me for an example, my gut was DESTROYED! I had a huge history of antibiotic use, unmanaged stress, overconsumption of sugar, the use of birth control pills and many other things that seriously hurt my gut. Doing a candida cleanse for one month would barely make a dent. You need to remember that everyone is going to have a different amount of candida based on their health/lifestyle history. I know what you are thinking… how am I supposed to know how long I need to cleanse for?
How am I supposed to figure out how long my cleanse is supposed to be to see real results?
The answer is this: As soon as your symptoms are gone and manageable. I know I can’t give you an exact time frame, but it will truly depend on each individual. This is why it is SO hard to do a candida cleanse without a professional to support you along the way. You can easily mistaken candida die-off symptoms for worsening conditions. When I started my third cleanse, it was working so well that my acne got WORSE and I was ready to faint at work! THIS IS THE THING! If I didn’t have a coach helping me, I would have been like NOPE I’M DONE THIS SUCKS! Instead of giving up, my coach explained to me what was happening and encouraged me to push through. THANK GOD! I wouldn’t be where I am today if it wasn’t for the professional help. If you are truly committed to your candida cleanse and want to do it right, I can be that coach for you. My spots are very limited as I am a busy mama, so please click here if you want to reserve a spot.
Reason #2: Taking the best candida cleansing supplements without diet changes won’t get you far
I know this isn’t fun to hear, but even the best supplements will not improve your candida overgrowth conditions unless you are taking action with your eating habits. Think of it this way: You are taking supplements to kill off candida, and then eating starchy and sugary foods to feed candida again. Realistically, all you are doing is wasting your money on supplements. Upsetting I know, I have been there. Nothing frustrates me more than wasting my hard worked money and not seeing results. So remember this please: YES you need probiotics, YES you need anti-fungals and YES you need to cleanse the liver to detox… BUT you will not see any improvements unless you are removing ALL sugars from the diet. Some people may be able to handle low glycemic berries during candida cleanse, some may not! No you can’t eat organic oatmeal and beans, that is also going to feed candida. This is all hard to hear, but it is part of the journey. Again, I am here for you if you need that guidance! I know I needed the hard truth and a kind kick in the booty.
Ps. Diet alone will not help your candida cleanse either. You got to attack those bad boys with everything you got! Mind power, supplements, diet changes and lots of self-love and patience.
Reason #3: Your immune system isn’t strong enough to fight the candida overgrowth battle
The hardest part about candida cleanses, is that you have to eliminate a lot of foods. Not just foods that are ‘bad’ for you, but also highly nutritious foods! During my cleanse, I could not eat: ANY fruits, broccoli, cauliflower, kale, cabbage and many other foods that either fed my candida or caused gut inflammation. With the elimination of these foods, is also an elimination of vitamins and minerals. Therefore, the body struggles to have the strength to push candida out of the body. I had to find a way to get my vitamins and minerals without the sugar consumption. I am not a fan of generic multivitamins because not much gets into the blood stream and they typically do not digest well. This is when I ran into Juice Plus!
Making the switch to whole food supplements
*Disclaimer* I am an affiliate for Juice Plus, but I NEVER promote a product unless I find tremendous value. Y’all are my friends, my tribe, my squad! Of course, DO YOU, you do not need to get Juice Plus to successfully cleanse candida. My personal opinion is that is it one of the best options because the vitamins and minerals are coming from real fruits and vegetables instead of a man made multivitamin. If you want to learn more about Juice Plus, click here. All I know, is that when I started Juice Plus, my candida cleanse was SO much easier. It is also one of the reasons I am able to consistently maintain my gut and skin health now without going back to where I was. I still take Juice Plus everyday to this day!
Reason #4: Stress is winning
Stress feeds candida. So just stopped being stressed ok? HAHA! I know it is SO much harder than it sounds. I HATED when people used to tell me: “If you want your acne to go away, just stop thinking about it”. They were right… to a degree, but mindset is truly everything during a candida cleanse. If you feel bad for yourself, you will not win. If you hate your body for having candida, you will not win. It’s time for mindset transformation. Work with your candida cleanse, not against it.
Practicing Mindfulness and Affirmations
“My body is strong”
“My body can heal”
“My candida is leaving my body”
“I am grateful for my healthy body”
“This too shall pass”
Reason #5: You are accepting cheat meals
Here is the thing, you aren’t counting calories! You can’t be like those fitness guys and gals who workout crazy hard, eat low calories throughout the week and binge on the weekends. REMEMBER, every time you cheat on candida cleanse, you are FEEDING candida. You will be taking 2 steps forward, 1 step back. It will also be making your cleanse SO much longer and harder every time you cheat. You have to change your mindset to this: If i can commit to this cleanse, I will be symptom free forever! YOU GOT THIS.
A fun fact for you, when you are candida cleansing, you are killing off the weak strains first and the strong will survive till the end (those are the hardest to get rid of). So every time you give up or cheat, you are giving the strong strains time to multiply and take over even more. GAH! STAY STRONG.
In Summary…
- Candida cleanse is a true mind, body and spirit commitment
- You have to commit 100% without cheating or you will be wasting your time and money
- You will need more than just supplements to be successful! Break up with sugar and stick with it until the end
- You need to strengthen your immune system in order to successfully rid the body of the toxins. I recommend a good quality whole food supplement like Juice Plus
- Strongly consider investing in professional help. This is a VERY difficult process. It is hard to know what is right and what is working. It is better o invest in professional help once than to be living with candida longer than you would like.
- Tap into the power of the mind and remind yourself, YOU CAN HEAL. “This too shall pass”
Here is a video on the same topic if would prefer to watch and listen over read: (Excuse my breakout and big boobs, I am pregnant in this video lol).