Time to dive into

your gut healing journey!


If you know you need to heal your gut but my Gut Healing programs overwhelm you, then this is the ebook for you! I get it! You are nervous to invest into 1:1 coaching and need very clear actionable steps to start taking ASAP.

Trying to figure out what to eat when you have gut issues is super annoying! This is where I come in. You will get a detailed meal plan to follow to see improvements in your symptoms like: bloating, skin issues & fatigue.

The fact of the matter is that you need a meal plan and a place to kick start start your gut healing journey without investing so much money.

gut detox

This eBook is Screaming Your Name If...

✓ Planning meals for your gut healing journey feels overwhelming. 

✓ You want to make a small investment to see if healing your gut is the path for you.

✓ You have been pushing off your gut healing journey for too long and need clear direction to just dive in!

✓ You spend hours on Dr. Google and Youtube looking for answers and will quickly buy something if it worked for someone else.

✓ Going out is a serious ordeal because you do not know what to eat anymore. Seems like even healthy foods are giving you a negative reaction.

✓ You are a 0 or 100 person. You are either eating super clean or whatever you want and saying “f*ck it” cause you are tired of feeling like sh*t all the time.

✓ You want to get to the root of your symptoms and need an actual test that can tell you what is going on! You are healthy on paper but clearly not ok…


Why was I 20 years old with: extreme bloating, severe acne, chronic fatigue, migraines, food intolerances & fainting? Like…can a girl be 20 and just party?

My 20 year old self did not understand what was happening, but, what I ate & how I was treated by the health care system as a child/teen led me to a fun amount of problems to deal with in my 20s.

I had sugar and nutuella flowing through my blood, was always overpercribed antibiotics & medication and had zero control over my stress. The major side effect of this? The dustruction of our good bacteria which alters metabolic activity & invites nasty parasites, fungus & chronic inflammation. 

Healing is possible. I healed myself and have helped thousands of people on their journey. Imagine a life where you love food and food actually loves you back! What a blessing.

What’s Included:


  • An at home test and assessment to see if you have candida overgrowth.
  • My favorite tips to combat bloating and start feeling better in as little as a few hours!
  • A 1 Week Meal Plan that you can use immediately to start seeing a happier gut and adjust to a gut-friendly style of eating.
  • Direct links to articles & supplements for easy learning and purchases.


  • VEGAN OPTIONS for every meal
  • Day-by-day plan with detailed meal plans and notes to keep you motivated and on track.
  • Daily affirmations to help you manifest your wellness goals and keep you vibrating at an abundant frequency.

I am rooting for you!

You are worthy of all the most amazing things that life has to offer my friend.

Click the link below if you are ready to dive into your gut healing journey 🙂

Please remember that at the end of the day, I always promote individual wellness. This program is not a promise that you will  heal your gut in 7 days, but I pray you learn a new lifestyle that supports your gut healing journey! If you feel like you need the 1:1 support for this process, I got you! Click here to chat with me 1:1

Check Out These Results!

Frequently Asked Questions..

I want to work 1:1 with you but all your spots are booked. What should I do?

Purchasing the gut healing starter kit e-course is a great first step! Anyone who purchases the e-course will automatically have access to my 1:1 calendar to potentially transfer to the 1:1 program. Another option for you is to get a personalized video response to any questions you have. Click here to get my personalized advice. 

I am on medication, will I still be able to do this?

Yes! Please always check with your doctor before adding in any new supplements or starting a new diet, but this program is so much more than just diet and supplements! There is a huge section on spiritual healing that plays a massive role in achieving your goals.

I am pregnant/breastfeeding, can I do this Happier Gut in 7 Days ebook?

Yes. This program is considered safe for pregnany/breastfeeding women. This ebook focuses on healing with food and mindfulness. 

Are there any refunds?

No. “You must unlearn what you have learned. Try not. Do, or do not. There is no try” – Yoda

Are there any supplement recommendations in this ebook?

No. This ebook focuses on healing with food. If you are looking for a more in depth gut healing plan, please check out my gut healing starter kit eCourse.